Monday, August 15, 2011

FLASKBACK - Kansas City

Did you know that Kansas City is AWESOME?
We drove up there and went to the cool old Central train station

 There is a science museum there - WAIT... what is that?


There is a huge model train room to look at. 

 There are almost as fast as me!

Who said hotel pullout beds are lumpy, this one was cozy

They have swimming pools in KC too, can you believe it?

And I got to go to a baseball game!  It wasn't the Giants, but still pretty cool.

The Royals are now our favorite American league team.

Uf, get me out of here.  I had too much fun!

And I may not be allowed in Missouri again

FLASHBACK - Cali friendsies

Big Pimpin Lucas - I was told that if I wore this hat I would get to see some of my California friendsies

 It worked!
Teo may be a little bit of a hippy (sooo California), but that dude is still cool.

And Asher is still fun as well.  
Uh oh, his shoe is falling off!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

FLASHBACK - Family time in Cali

While going to California for Great Grandma Iris's funeral is no ones idea of a good time (she was literally the best), it was nice to see my cousins...

Sparrow!  I got you!

Drat, the tables have turned

 Old cousins looking good...

I don't think cousin Holly understands what a funny picture is - she just looks happy

Can you believe Caleb fit in there?!?

Cousins at a table...

 Cousins at a a table!

Here is my family - Grandpa, Grandma, Me and giant Big Bird.

Rumble, rumble rumble...


Ack, the sisters attack

 I like to play with my cars on the couch, even in California
