Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Old Man

is 30 today!!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4th of July

4th of July in Inverness! Babies were very excited for the day.

Frank helped Lucas get a foot diagnosis from Bridget - He is going to be ready to roll once he can actually use shoes.

Lucas joined his cousins in a nice chat with Great Grandma.

They are all big fans of the funny picture.

Whew - long day even for little Jillian.  Yay for the 4th!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sanchini cousins

Do the Famini/Sanchini cousins love each other?

Yes!  Well, Sequoia does.  Lucas just seems to want Sparrow's sunglasses.  We'll work on that.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Lucas is a big fan of the beach

There are great views to admire while chewing on a shoe!

And though the sand was pretty tasty, I don't think he enjoyed it as much as Tank did.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spidey sense

"I am having so much fun just playing with this flying whale...

Hey!  I think something may be behind me!

Its my big cousin Sequoia!!

Doh!  The sense worked, but that didnt stop the hug attack.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Portland Recap

While we had a lot of fun times in Portland, Lucas liked the people the best.   Top of the list are Abby and Peyton of course.

He was excited to meet fellow Giants fan Tommy

Lucas liked seeing Jon again,  especially being all cute with his little lady

He always likes hangin with his mom, especially when food is involved

I think Lucas snuck another one of the ladies in again.  Nice.

And Lucas's favorite of all - family shot!  Yay!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009


Somebody has been waiting to swim in a pool for quite a while - Lucas made us buy these trunks when he was still in the womb!

However, when it came time to get his swim on, Lucas preferred to stay close to the stairs.

Luckily holding a baby by the stairs in a pool is just as fun as holding a baby in deeper water.  

Everyone had a great time once we understood that the cool kids hang out in the hot tub.  Holla!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Abby wasn't the only lady in Portland.  Peyton was a fun travel companion for all of us.  We especially enjoyed her strong feelings about good personal hygiene.

She taught Lucas to blow his nose!

Unfortunately he had bad form so she had to put him in a headlock

Caught off-guard, Lucas was a little frazzled.  But was he ok?

Ta-da!  A-OK.  Thanks for the hygiene lesson, Peyton!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More moves by Lucas

While in Portland, Lucas worked on his moves.  At first Abby just admired him from afar

Then he made his move with a leg massage!  Things were going well

But wait!  What is that over there?

A sock?!?  Sweet.  I guess he just wants to play hard to get.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The reason

Here is the reason we made the trip to Portland, Ms. Abby Magers.  Well, it was good to see her parents too, but Lucas was pretty keen on meeting this little lady

Lucas is still working on his moves.  Here is a sample - Hey there Abby, looking good!

That's some sweet peach-fuzz you got up top, girl.

He he.  I am pretending your face is an iphone!  Zoom in! Zoom out!

What do we have here?  An ear!?!  Nice one.  Let's play sometime.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Portland, whaaaat

The Faminis joined forced with the Raymonds on an adventure north to Portland.  After both kids did great on the flight, Mike was a champ at steering our 12-passenger van.

Amy, Lucas, Brandy and Peyton held down 2 of the 3 remaining rows.  Karen, our Australian GPS advisor took over the windshield.

This was a test for a timed-picture

I aaaaaaaaalmost timed that one right

There we go - Raymonds and Faminis in Portland.  Boo-yah!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fathers Day - Arrrrrr

Hello there, let me spin a tale about a young boy and the NorCal Pirate festival, yar.

Young Lucas bravely ventured to the temporary home of some of the foulest vagabonds around.  Luckily his rolling vessel protected home from direct contact with the vermin.

He saw some wondrous sights!   The booming cannon were nice, but how about a cannon that shoots a smoke ring along with a steel ball!

And feats of strength were preformed.  Look at that knife throwing form!

What accuracy!  

The young boy was amazed at skill he saw with his very own eyes!  But what is this?  The rolling vessel has been abandoned?

And a golden-shirted fool holds the young boy near a truly fearsome mug.  Lucas was keen to set sail out of there, but undoubtedly enjoyed his time in another land.  Yar!