Sunday, September 27, 2009


Oh, hello. I didn't notice the camera since I was too busy being all outdoorsy! I am totally barefoot in the dirt and everything.

Detail shot of the dirt. Only manly men have knee dimples, btw.

There is some great stuff on this bench!

I wonder if there is anyone who wants to check out this cool leaf?

Grandpa does! Wait what does he see over there? Man, this Richmond Lagoon is great.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sushi Pants!

Hmmm, what should I wear to the food festival in Oakland? How about my sweet new pants - SUSHI PANTS!!! Nothing like snackin in the sushi pants.

Mom, the snack was great, but there is some great food here that you haven't let me eat, like that s'more on chocolate-dipped homemade graham crackers. Can you find me some more grub?

That's more like it!

Even with all that food in my belly, I feel like a superhero in these pants. SUSHI PANTS!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bestie Teo

Look how cool my BFF Teo is - he rolls in coonskin caps and owns like 4 keys! What!?! He's just a baby and owns 4 keys! Tell me he's not awesome.

We like to roam the house, singing songs and chewing on metal.

And the dude even knows when its time to go after the paparazzi. Love that guy.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


While I get a lot of enjoyment holding and chewing on random things, it isn't as much fun alone as it is when...

I am with my Auntie Sara!

Unfortunately she can't come visit me as much since she is in Minn. Hmmmm.

I better memorize what her nose feels like now. See you in a couple weeks Auntie!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First day

Um, are you sure about this daycare thing dad? And do I have to wear this polo?

Nevermind, I can already tell I am going to love being a Little Sweet Pea! Holla!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Howarth Park

What's up first? Train ride of course!

Lucas was really excited to see the alligator in pond.

However the "World's Loudest Whistle" was a bit much for Lucas's ears.

LL made his grandma take him right up to the "new" water fountain. Fun!

Apparently Lucas has always wanted one of these horses in our yard. Time to pull out the spring chair!

Ack! Z-pa had to rescue Lucas from play Jail! Luckily there are no walls.

And a perfect way to end the day - watching the boathouse crew hold down Lake Ralphine. Yay for Howarth Park!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nom Nom Nom


Nom Nom Nom

I loooove me some peaches!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go Bears!

Hey little man, what's that under your hoody?

A Cal shirt!  GO BEARS!

Lucas's shirt helped Cal win big in week 1.  Lucas says - vote Best for the Heisman!  

Thanks for the shirts Auntie.