Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Mornings can be fun, but sometimes my dad just hands me things. Weird.

Oh holla, that's a bouncy ball!

And a balloon yoyo!

Normally, I like to stand on the step stool and eat waffles or cereal for breakfast. Mmmmm.

As you can see it hasn't reduced my head size any.
Man, people in Arkansas must have pinheads!

Monday, December 13, 2010


This new trike is fast!

But a little hard to pedal with my little legs

It's more fun to have Dad ride it and chase me!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bday faves

My birthday dinner was great and all (thanks Grandpa David), but what I was really interested in was...


Look at this one!

This one is biiiiiig

I had to take my shirt off after all that work. Vroooooom

Birthday boys get cookie breaks. Nice.

Yay for my birthday!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


My Mom made some sweet cakes for my birthday

The first nibble was good, but I need to get more at a time...

Hmmm, this fork is better, but doesn't hold much cake...

There we go!