Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Lucas had his first hotel stay for Grandma Karen's birthday.  It went pretty well, but our daily activities were more exciting than the Murphys Suites.  Dr Dan showed us around one of his part-time job sites - PAWS, where retired elephants and tigers go to roam.

This elephant (Mara?) followed us as we walked, then did some tricks with the fence.  Of course this made Lucas want to suck on a fence too.

Dan and cousin Sequoia led the way to the tiger facility - these are the "dens" attached to the large yard.  Man, tigers are BIG!  My digital camera died, so I only have B&W film pictures, which don't show tigers very well =(

The night ended on a high note for Lucas - he got some Grandma time as we all ate pizza!  Yay for birthdays!

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