The second part of the Grandma-Karen's-birthday-tour took us to Big Trees State Park. There is a large number of Sequoias that live here (and some that visit)

A little more perspective on the Sequoia's differing heights

The Grandparents were happy as they were actually surrounded by something older than them. (Booyah! Old joke for the 60th b-day trip!)

Little did we know that a 14 mile drive would be up 3000 feet and see the park covered in snow! Lucas (who was in shorts) got his first experience with the cold stuff, bundled up nice and warm.

We walked single file after the Sanchinis had to ditch Sparrow's stroller

Mother and son at the Mother and Son trees

Amy very nimbly averted the muddy trail.

Lucas was impressed by the whole park, but especially his mom's face.

Lucas and I finally got our photo op and made the most of it. Yay for birthdays!

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