Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lucas is in a Gang? Part 2

Yes, there is some evidence pointing towards Lucas having joined Risky's gang, and he is pretty upfront about it - "Whuuuuuuuuut?"

At first it was more subtle, just a sly positioning of the fingers

He moved on to a "DJ" move as he started to mix thangs up

Before long, Lucas was asserting his "Baby Power" (and possibly doing a horizontal Russian crouch dance.  Risky's full name is Mariska.  Coincidence?)

He has become even more assertive, already doing two-handed chants - "Milk.  Milk.  Milk."

He has gained so much confidence, that Lucas now throws down full hand signals.  I think this is "VV 5".

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you appraised of any new information

1 comment:

Julie Jedzinak-Webb said...

OMG!! Lucas is growing so fast. And his gang signs are getting quite good. I think he needs to spend some more time around Risky to perfect them tho. Or maybe Lucas has been spending time with some other gangsta's, on the side, from the looks of his knowledge...