Christmas morning found the Richmond Faminis at Z-Ma and Z-Pa's in Santa Rosa. Santa showed up overnight and it the pile of loot indicates that we were all very nice last year. The Z's took turns holding Lucas and Tank.

We posed for a hot Xmas morning family portrait. Notice my carefully crafted wardrobe - Fake Santa leg socks are the new rage.

Christmas day was spent with the larger Famini clan at the grandparents. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so you'll have to imagine the immense amount of joy and merriment we had eating and white-elephanting.
We finally made it back home the next day so that Amy could give me Rock Band and I could begin to realize my rock star dreams. I am a little afraid that this will be the last chill "Famini Family" Christmas or a long time as Lucas can't walk or rip into presents yet.
We returned to the Sanchini abode in Santa Rosa to celebrate with Granparents Famini and the Sanchinis. The old folks enjoy their Grandchildren - see the happiness with Sparrow?
The celebration continued as the Schettlers and Gathmen came over to join in on the fun. Of course, the combinations of cray kids and presents from Dan result in balloon mayhem

There was much interest in Lucas getting his diaper changed, though Dan would rather not have to see another diaper change if possible.

There was much interest in Lucas getting his diaper changed, though Dan would rather not have to see another diaper change if possible.
Celebration leads to babies needing baths, so we got our first fun/futurely embarrassing photos of the cousins Sparrow, Lucas and Sequoia. Or as Sequoia calls him "Tiny baby Lucas"

Back to the inner Bay Area for our last celebration - with the Cardwell Great Grandparents and family in Berkeley. This was the introduction to Lucas for some, hence a paparazzi scene:
His second cousin Emily FINALLY got to meet Lucas. He was also excited.
And thus ended the 2008 Famini Holiday tour. Yay!!!
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