Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Branson - Take 1

Silver Dollar City - a gem of an amusement park. 
(Really it looked pretty awesome and had big rides we didn't dare get near with daredevil Lucas)

Sure it was a little wet, but that cant stop the Faminis right?

Not yet...

Still not yet....

OK, Caleb was crying in the dark cold pouring rain here

Even chill, bible reading train entertainment Santa dude probably went home at THAT point

Monday, August 27, 2012

Selected shots of a Sanchini invasion on Arkansas

Dan and Caleb enjoy a snack. Mmmmm.

Bug rider!

These kids look well practiced

Hmm, cavern pictures are not a big hit

Fish face!

Lucas goes wild, Sequoia concentrates and Sparrow models

Museum moves

Statue mimicking attempt.


Guess where the shave ice is?

Watching the action

Taking a break from the cousins

Aaaand back in action.  One of many Lucas/Sequoia races



An Arkansas stroll

These cousins really had a good time


Yay for cousin time!
(Yes, Caleb will join in more once he can handle the madness of these other 3)