Friday, February 27, 2009


Great Grandpa Kenneth turns 89 only once, so Lucas wanted to make sure he was dressed for the occasion.  Luckily Aunt Sara was around to help him get dudded up.

Lucas thought that some thumb-sucking was in order for the celebration.

He got some great hugs in with his great aunt

The most fun was when his GG threw him some raspberries.  He responded with some grins.
Little did Lucas know that GG Kenneth was just practicing his candle-blowout skills.  Yay for 89!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Fetus friends unite!  Lucas and Teo met for the first time at Teo's house.  Their moms immediately sized up the competition.

Lucas was pretty excited to see the little baby (while sucking on his hands)

He was like "Hey Teo, can you do THIS?" and practically stood up.

Teo did not take too kindly to being stood up, and showed Lucas how he felt about it with a new hand sign.

Then they decided to be best friends again.  Fighting is BORING.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hopefully just a phase

Lucas's hair has taken on an unfortunate shape.  While you may have noticed that it's looking blonder on top, there is something going on in the back.  Some call it a "fringe".  Others call it the ultimate mullet.  See for yourself.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lucas hangs with his Santa Rosa homies

Lucas was very surprised that we let him hang out with his Santa Rosa homies a couple of weekends ago.  (Actually, this look was because Lance and Levi biked by our car as he was eating and he missed it!)

Once we made it in to visit with the Raymonds, Peyton demanded that we hand Lucas over so they could play.

She got her wish and deviously thought about what to do with him.  Hmmmmmm.

How about a hug!  Lady Killer Famini strikes again.

Next, we moseyed over to meet the new Evans twinsies.  Lucas was freaked out at how little Vance and Eliza were!  Probably because he couldn't see as far as the mirror when he was their age.

Lets just say that Vance wasn't all that excited to see us, though we had a lot of fun meeting him.  Yay for babies.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another walk - Wildcat Canyon

Lucas is really becoming a walk snob - a neighborhood stroll just doesn't cut it.  So we hopped over to Wildcat Canyon Park (a couple miles form our house, along the hills, connects to Tilden Park in Berkeley if you are up for a 7 or 8 mile hike).

For a while Tank was really leading the pack. 

After a while, though, the fam needed a break.  

Lucas was especially pooped from the hike.

On the way back down to the car, we popped off the trail for a nice view of SF and the hills (this was from the in-stroller cam).  Yay for hikes!.

Lucas goes to work

Usually Lucas is quite happy to see me when I get home from work. (while Tank lays patiently waiting for rubs)
So we decided that he should visit my work to see what I am up to all day.  First we had a warm-up lunch. 

All of this Oakland lunching became a little overwhelming and the little dude had to take a nap.

Once we finished, Lucas took the longest elevator ride of his life and got to meet a bunch of the people that I tell him about.  He was happy to have people stare at him and give compliments on his sporty shoes, though he got a little upset when he was told that jeans were only allowed on Fridays.

Even sitting next to the Avocado painting couldn't cheer him up!  I guess Lucas isn't ready for an office job just yet.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Just the other day, Lucas was a little bored so he decided to play in his Bumbo chair.  Here is his description of the event:

First I pretended it was a little bumper car and tried to ram you while intimidating you with my "I will ram you!" face.  Booyah.

Then I had a ball thrown on me and I left it sitting there.  Boooooring.

Hmmmmmm, that would be the most fun to do?

Yes!  Suck on my hand.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hi!  Who is a cutie?

This guy!

Go Niners! (though I am a little afraid of what next season will be like.)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things we make Lucas do

Lucas doesn't always like the things we make him do.  Like getting dressed up for Christmas card pictures, even if his pal Risky is there to comfort him

Sometimes he doesn't mind as much - like when we dress him up like a bear in his cozy car seat.

Sometimes HE makes US do things, like pretend he is a jar of baking supplies.  (He loves me!)

Lucas doesn't always let us do exactly what we want with him - like when we were trying to leave his cousins house, he turned into a Sporty Dragon!

And sometimes he acts like a member of the Pitt-Jolie clan - NO MORE PICTURES, PLEASE.